Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Full Volumes Pdf Download - Islamic Books Pdf


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Full Volumes Pdf Download


Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Full Volumes Pdf Download

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Full Volumes Pdf Download

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu By Imam Abu Jafar Tabri Pdf

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Full Volumes Pdf Download Islamic history is a rich and complex subject that spans over 1,400 years and encompasses a vast geographical region. It is the history of the religion of Islam, as well as the history of the Muslim people and their cultures.

Islam was founded in the 7th century by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) in the Arabian Peninsula. Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel, which were later compiled into the Quran. The teachings of Islam, as outlined in the Quran and the Hadith (sayings and actions of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)), provide a comprehensive guide for Muslims on how to live their lives in accordance with the will of God.

After the death of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH), the Muslim community (umma) elected his close companion, Abu Bakr RA, as the first caliph (khalifah). The caliphs, who were the political and religious leaders of the Muslim community, oversaw the rapid expansion of the Muslim empire during the 7th and 8th centuries.

Under the caliphs, Islam spread quickly throughout the Arabian Peninsula and into the neighboring regions of Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. The early Muslim empire was known for its tolerance of other religions and its promotion of education and scholarship. Many non-Muslim scholars and scientists were welcomed into the empire, and their works were translated into Arabic, making them widely available to Muslim scholars.

During the 9th and 10th centuries, the Muslim empire reached its peak, stretching from Spain and North Africa in the west to India in the east. This period, known as the "Islamic Golden Age," was a time of great cultural and intellectual achievements. Muslim scholars made significant advances in a variety of fields, including mathematics, science, medicine, philosophy, and literature.

The Seljuk Turks, a Turkic people from Central Asia, converted to Islam in the 11th century and became a major power in the Muslim world. The Seljuks established a number of sultanates in the Middle East and Asia Minor, and their rule saw a revival of Islamic culture and learning.

In the 13th and 14th centuries, the Muslim empire faced a number of challenges, including invasions by the Mongols and the emergence of the Ottoman Turks. The Ottoman Empire, which was founded in the late 13th century, eventually came to dominate much of the Muslim world and lasted until the early 20th century.

Throughout its history, Islam has faced various challenges and controversies. One of the most significant has been the issue of succession to the caliphate. After the death of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH), the question of who should succeed him as leader of the Muslim community was a source of disagreement and led to the emergence of different sects within Islam, including the Sunni and Shia.

Another issue has been the relationship between religion and politics. Some Muslims believe that the state should be guided by Islamic law (sharia), while others argue for a separation of church and state. These debates have led to a diversity of views within Islam on issues such as democracy, human rights, and the role of women.

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Complete 7 Volumes Pdf Free Download

Despite these challenges, Islam has remained a major world religion, with over 1.8 billion followers worldwide. It continues to influence and shape the cultures and societies of the Muslim world and beyond.

Here is a list of top Islamic history books written by Muslim authors:

  • "The History of the Prophet Muhammad" by Muhammad ibn Ishaq
  • "The Sealed Nectar" by Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri
  • "A Brief History of the Four Caliphs" by Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  • "The Life of Muhammad" by Muhammad Husayn Haykal
  • "The History of Islam" by Akbar Shah Najeebabadi
  • "The History of the Caliphs" by Suyuti

Tareekh -e- Tabri - URDU

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