Rafziyat Nasbiyat and Yazidiyat Research Paper 5A in Urdu - Islamic Books Pdf


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Rafziyat Nasbiyat and Yazidiyat Research Paper 5A in Urdu


 Rafziyat Nasbiyat and Yazidiyat Research Paper in Urdu Pdf by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza 



Research Papers by Engineer Muhammad Ali

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Author Introduction:

Muhammad Ali Mirza was born on October 4, 1977, in Jhelum, a city in Punjab, Pakistan. He is a 19th-grade Mechanical Engineer in Civil Service.

Ali holds online lectures where he talks about various religious issues, and runs a research academy where he imparts religious education based on his own understanding of the Qur'an and Sunnah. His critics say he uses derogatory terms for Islamic saints and presents clips of his lectures taken out of context. As proof.

Ali is said to have believed that today's Ahmadis are better than Jews and Christians (People of the Book). However, he still declared them non-Muslims and said his video clips were presented out of context. He was arrested on 4 May 2020 on suspicion of spreading hate speech against religious scholars. He was later released on May 6, 2020. According to Ali, one of his lectures was presented completely out of context.

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Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza Research Papers



I hope you like the Article Research papers of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza  Download in pdf free and share it with friends and family members as soon as possible. Research Paper by Engineer Muhammad Ali is a great contribution to the Islamic world. These Research Papers are very useful for Islamic scholars as well as common Muslims who are interested in Islamic History.

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Research Paper 5-A Ali Mirza


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